Bespoke Training

Our Clients have a choice of either have course material designed from scratch or one that is developed based on any of our Public courses. Our Bespoke training will offer more value, more control with better targeted result focused solely on your staff’s requirement. The bespoke material can be taken from one or more of our courses, can be designed in modular format to create tailored education experience for staffs within your organisation. Many more courses that we offer are not displayed on our website; we therefore encourage organisations to discuss their training needs with us, as we probably have material that is close tier needs.

On-Site Training Benefits for the Organisation:

  • Allows a saving of 30% – 60% and reduction in training budget compared to Public schedule prices
  • Maintain productivity with flexible course dates and times
  • Get all employees on the same wavelength
  • Tailor the course material to fulfil corporate needs
  • No additional traveling cost for each student
  • No additional Hotel / Accommodation cost for each student

On-Site Training Benefits for the Student:

  • Allows students to adhere to their usual work and commuting schedule
  • It is planned around individual / department schedules and delivered in any format
  • Individuals learn with real-world, mission-specific examples to ensure your project’s success
  • Some classes will have hands on exposure

On-Site Training Benefits:

  • Choice of Official or Customized material
  • Mission critical staff remain on site
  • Real-world solutions
  • Minimal downtime
  • Enables every Student to have the same and consistent learning experience

What you get:

  • Instructor Led Course
  • Skilled, Experience and Seasoned IT Security Instructor
  • Course manual
  • E-learning – Prior to start of Seminar
  • Computer Equipment Lab Setup
  • Sample examination/test papers
  • Examination conducted on-site (for courses that we are an ATC for)

Why Cyberskills Training:

  • Cyberskills guarantee that your Onsite training will be of the same high quality as a Public class
  • Cyberskills has a Global reach – We will deliver anywhere in the world
  • Cyberskills Instructors are seasoned experts, who have been tested with time
  • Cyberskills has many years of delivering all our listed courses

Subject to Terms and Conditions